Itsy Dev

On Itsy Dev Studios we are


Tin Tin Experience

Tin Tin VR is a virtual museum based on the famous TinTin comic. On this experience you will travel through the TinTin history and see how tintin's comic when and how were translated on Spanish and Catalan. We develop the experience to conmemorate the 60th birthday of the first edition of the TinTin comic in catalan.

Tin Tin VR Experience Tin Tin VR Experience

CVR Application

We create the CVR app to be able to share the virtual reality club news to out audience. With this app we share the lastest information of the club at the same time we upload some interesting news about the upgrades or the new sales of VR, MR and why not AR.

CVR Application
Play Store



Ivan Figueredo

Founder & Developer
